Working With the Medicine Wheel to Help Heal Grief and Loss

Solutions Treatment Center is proud to host professional training and CEU opportunities for those in the Substance Abuse, Mental and Behavioral Health Treatment Fields 
(Workshops provide 3 CEU credits each)

                                                            Title:                                         Working With the Medicine Wheel   to Help Heal Grief and Loss

Date:                                       December 16, 2017                           9:00 am-Noon

Presented by:                                   Carol Parker PhD, LPCC

Description:                                                                                                                                            This workshop will integrate age-old wisdom teachings with our contemporary   experiences of grief and loss. Carol will present activities and practices that can be   utilized with individuals and groups..

Price:                                                                                                                                                       Single 3-hour Workshop: $75.82
 10% Discount Fee for Students: $68.24

Call (505) 388-2361 extension 809 or e-mail for more information or to pre-register. 

Drop-in workshop participants are welcome, but pre-registration is encouraged as space is limited! Approved CEU Provider by New Mexico Counseling & Therapy Practice Board and the New Mexico Board of Social Workers